Medicare General Enrollment Period | Special Enrollment Period

You turn 65 ─ besides getting wiser, you become eligible for all the senior discounts and Medicare. As Benjamin Franklin once wisely said, and I’m paraphrasing here, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, and a bit of confusion about Medicare.” I couldn’t agree more!

We’ve got these enrollment periods ─ Initial, Special, General ─ it’s like learning a new language! Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) hits around your 65th birthday, and a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) is for those retiring later. So now, let’s focus on the General Enrollment Period (GEP).

Know how it feels to be late for something crucial and have that sinking feeling in your stomach? Yeah, me too. Now, imagine that happening with Medicare, and you’re racking up penalties. If you didn’t sign up for Medicare Part A and/or Part B during your initial eligibility period and you’re not in the running for a Special Enrollment Period, there’s hope. Intrigued?

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